​​Weston • Platte County • Missouri


West Platte Wrestling Results Class 1 Districts 4 at Lathrop

- Platte County Commission Sued

Download at https://grownative.org/learn/manage-stormwater/

Cont. in 'news' tab

- County Treasurer Resigns

The Grow Native! program announces a brand new digital resource, free to all. 
Native Plants for Stormwater Management Projects: Species Selection for the Lower Midwest, by Daniel Shaw and Rusty Schmidt, provides descriptions and photos of 160 native plants and 14 specific stormwater management practices. 
This PDF book guides the plant selection process for effective stormwater management projects.
The authors have a combined 60+ years of experience in landscape ecology, ecological restoration and design, wildlife biology, and education, and have co-authored three other books. 
Plant species included in this 313-page book were selected based on their resilience to challenging conditions, historical presence in the lower Midwest, aesthetic properties, local availability, and functional abilities within stormwater projects. Embedded links within the book facilitate navigation of its many resources.
The Grow Native! program is grateful to the Crafton Tull Foundation, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, Mid-America Regional Council, Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Missouri Prairie Foundation for funding this book project.

Grow Native! is the 25-year-old native plant marketing and education program of the nonprofit Missouri Prairie Foundation, a 59-year-old conservation organization and land trust. The goals of Grow Native! are to increase the supply of and demand for plants native to the lower Midwest for use in developed landscapes—cities, farms, home landscaping, and more. 


Cont. in Obituary tab

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​Grow Native! Announces Launch of New Publication

The Weston Chronicle

This new publication has indepth instructions for planning a rain garden or planting in a drainageway. It has descriptions of a host of plants that can be used in wet areas.

Danny Masoner

Weston Museum Open House,

March 8-9

- Superintendent Explains

“No Make-Up Days”

Check out a few of the stories in this week's Weston Chronicle!
